I Still Don't Feel Better.... 5


*The Morning After........  

Senior Adidi held me tight till morning. It was as if she didn't care if I was caught in her bed.  I didn't bother to sneak out. I had made up my mind to lay it all out there. Let the wolves catch me, let them catch and eat me alive. After what I witnessed last night? I didn't care what happened from there on. There was no tent so I believe everyone was looking at us. People had already started murmuring around 7am when I opened my eyes. They were whispering to one another and I was sure that words have already reached the wolves but I didn't care.

"Now what?" Senior Adidi whispered to me. "Look at them all starring at you. Are you sure you are ready for this?" 

"Honestly, I don't know what I am doing. But I am just tired. Let the worse happen." I replied.

"So are you going to tell me what happened last night?" she asked. 

"No Please." 

"Okay, that's fine, no pressure. I don't know what it was, but whatever it was that sent you into my arms last night, I am grateful." 

I smiled and Senior Anne got up and went about her normal morning schedule. I sat up and noticed a very worried Lara starring at me. She was mortified and speechless. But for some reason, I wasn't scared, I looked her right in the eye and said, 

"Lara, I know that look. But I can explain." 

"This had better be good." she shot at me. 

"You know what Lara, just to avoid repeating my story twice, please let's wait for Kimberly." 

"As if I had a choice." 

"Don't get like that Lara. Please." 

We went about our morning duties, showered, dressed and headed for the dining hall. Senior Anne was not in sight and I couldn't care less. Lara didn't stop giving me stern looks and it made breakfast so uncomfortable. I managed to gulp down the pap and left the dining hall without a word to Lara. It was a Saturday and there was nothing much to do. I just needed to clear my head so I went to the field, by the well. It was my favorite place when I needed peace and quiet to think. My mind flashed back to what I witnessed the previous night and I shook my head to to get the image out of my head. It was no rocket science Lara knew where to find me. I looked up and saw Lara and Kimberly approaching me. I wasn't bothered because it was about time I faced them. 

"Okay Lisa, what did I hear?" an anxious Kimberly said. 

"Lisa, about yesterday. You went late in the evening to buy something from the school shop, only for you to return hours later all shaken up. You went to bed immediately, in your own bed. Only for you to wake up in Senior Miss Adidi's bed. Please explain." 

There was a long pause. I just didn't know where to start. And I was tired of lying to Lara. Besides, why would I lie? The wolves pack will be coming for me soon so what was the point for all the lies? I felt like I was being starred at by a million eyes. 

"I was crying last night so Senior Adidi decided to console me?" I said. 

"Of all people? Why Senior Adidi?" Lara spat. 

"Because she was awake." I replied 

"Why didn't you wake me?" Lara asked. 

"Oh please can the both of you just shut up?" Kimberly interrupted.
"What is wrong with both of you?" 
she turned to Lara,  "
Who cares who slept with who or who woke up with you? Is that the most important thing right now? Just shut up!" 
She turned to me, 
"Okay now Madam, please tell us what exactly happened to you last night? Why were you crying? 'cause that's the Issh that led to you waking up wherever you woke up. Now tell us, what happened. Who died?" 

Tears welled up in my eyes and Lara came to sit beside me and put her arms around me. 

"Americana, take it easy! Can't you see she's finding it difficult to come to terms with whatever happened? Give her time to talk." Lara said to Kimberly. 

"Well, let her spit it out fast. This suspense is killing me." Kimberly replied. 

"You're not helping!" Lara said in a melody tone.

"I'm not trying to." Kimberly replied in a melody tone too. 

There was another long pause as Kimberly came to sit at next to me. I was now in the middle, Lara on my right and Kimberly on my left. When I found my voice, I braced up and made them promise not tell anyone what I was about to tell them. 

"Who am I going to tell? Both of you are the only friends I talk deep with. So spit it out."
Kimberly was already irritated with the suspense. 
Slowly I began to tell them everything, starting from when Angela gave me the message and to when I got to Ms Joyce's apartment and the rest of the story. Lara was dumbfounded while Kimberly on the other hand had a grin on her face the entire time. 

"Is that all?" Kimberly asked nonchalantly. 

"Yes Kimberly." I replied 

Kimberly shot me with a very long hiss at first, then she went ahead to say, "Oh Lord! You are so stupid Lisa. All this drama because you witnessed a sexy exhibition? Damn! Will I give anything to be in your shoes. I would have joined the freak-fuck show. I can feel my pant about to fly off my ass just imagining the whole FEM DOM. So erotic!" 

"Americana, is something wrong with you? You are so insensitive. " Lara said to Kimberly. 

"Oh shut up you Virgin. What do you do know?" Kimberly hissed. "So Lisa, all this emotional shit because you got a turn on? Do you know how many people that will give an arm to watch that shit? And you were all emotional because? Jeezzzz! I thought you had accidentally killed someone and hide the body or atleast, witnessed a murder." 

"American! You are not human! What part of the world are you from ALIEN? " Lara spat. 

"Oh please Lara. "I swear I have been worried about this your slut since last night. I thought she killed someone or witnessed a murder. Plus, when I didn't see Senior Anne at the dining hall this morning, I feared the worst. Not knowing she was honored with a freak-fuck show last night. And she's here acting like someone died. What rubbish?" 

"Americana, are you always this mean? You are like a spoon full of whoop ass." I finally found my voice to shot back at Kimberly

"I get that a lot Lisa. Now Shut up and move on!!"  

Lara and Kimberly bursted out in a roar of laughter, I don't know where I got the strength from but i couldn't hold back. I soon joined them in laughing like an idiot. I began to see things differently, let's just say Kimberly's freak side was becoming contagious. 

"Lisa, swear to me your pant didn't get soaked just watching those two bitches fuck their sick brains out?" Kimberly said. 

"Shit! American, you are a very useless freak. For God's sake they are Aunt and Niece. That's incest." I said. 

"Taboo love, that makes it more intriguing. Don't you know forbidden love is sweet? But that 'Mistress and slave shit is hot! Right now, I swear I'm thinking of Ms Joyce wearing only a knee high boot, a strapon and holding a whip in her right hand and grabbing my hair with her left hand and forcing me to suck her strapped cock! Fuck! My pants are wet." Kimberly said with her eyes filled with Lust. 

Lara and I laughed so hard. Kimberly has always been a weird one, but today, she proved to be an awesome freak. I couldn't believe how dirty minded Americana was. I also understood that she was only trying to make me feel better but the truth is that, I still did not feel better. Something else worried me. And that was the fact that I had broken the only rule given to me by the wolves. I was sure words had gotten to them on how I was seen on Senior Adidi's bed that morning. I knew I was in deep shit. 

"Kimberly, I need you to focus. What am I going to do about the wolves?" ‎I asked

"I had warned you about stepping on their toes, right? But you just had to mess that up. Well, don't be scared, you hold the aces." she replied

"Lisa, I still don't get why you chose Senior Adidi's bed to go seek consolation. Are you crazy?" Lara asked. 

"What is wrong with this one? Your best friend's ass is about to be roasted and be eaten by the wolves and you are hammering on a very wrong subject. Lara!!!" 

"You know what Kimberly? You are really a spoon full of whoop-ass." Lara said to Kimberly and rolled back her eyes. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever Lara. Let's figure out how to get your slut of a bestie out of this shit. Then you can throw a jealousy tantrum. Nonsense!"  

Kimberly and Lara's bickering got me to laugh hard. I mean, Americana was simply something else. She had an answer to every question, she had a solution to every problem, there was always a new game up her sleeves. She was ever so criminally minded. 

"What are you laughing at, you idiot?" Kimberly shot as she and Lara joined me in laughing. We just laid back on the field until the very hot sun came and drove us away with its heat. I was scared‎ of going back to the dormitory so I asked Kimberly to take me with her to hang out in the Principal's house. But how long was I going to run? The principal was her Aunt so we had no problem. She had a big room all to herself in the big house and we just chilled there. 

"Lara, have you told Lisa about the letter you got yesterday?" Kimberly said to Lara. 

"What letter?" I asked. 

"Well, with all this issue, I had forgotten. I got a letter yesterday from a Senior Miss. She wants me to be her lover." Lara said. 

"And what did you say?" I asked. 

"I've not had time to reply yet. I was waiting for you to return yesterday. But you were in no mood to talk. So I just left it." Lara replied. 

I didn't say anything. I was jealous but I didn't make it obvious. We didn't discuss it further because we still had something bigger to worry about.
Later that evening, Kimberly told me I was just delaying events by hiding, and that it was best I just returned to the dormitory so that what will happen can happen so we can move on with our lives. Lara and I bought the idea, there was no need postponing the inevitable. But we had a plan that Kimberly will come with us. So that when the wolves came for me, she could come with me. The three of us strolled back to the dormitory but no sooner had we gotten there than a junior student ran to inform us that the Principal had sent for Kimberly. What a sad news! 

Kimberly had to leave us in the dormitory, promising to be back in just a few minutes. But it was over an hour and Kimberly was nowhere to be found. I was so scared, Senior Adidi was not in the dormitory either. What was happening to me? I was out of luck and very afraid. Lara and I had no choice but to go to the dinning hall for dinner because we didn't want to be the only ones in the dormitory. Even though we were too nervous to eat, we managed to stay calm. I saw Senior Adidi across the hall and she seemed really calm, but Senior Anne was no where to be found, not that I was looking. I was the one with the issue but Lara seemed more scared than I was. We returned to the dormitory and still, there was no sign of Kimberly. 

Another night with the Wolves...... 

I had already fallen asleep later that night when I heard a tap on my feet. I opened my eyes and saw five Senior Misses standing by my bed. I tried to say something but one of them put her finger on her lips, gesturing me to keep shut so I swallowed my sound, got off my bed and quietly followed them. Fear drove tears down my face but I dared not say a word. I prayed in my heart for Kimberly to show up but life didn't work that way for me. They pushed me as they led me to the uncompleted school building in the bush. To my surprise, when I got there Senior Anne and Senior Adidi were already seated on the blocks opposite each other, just like the last time. I was pushed into the building and I almost fell but Senior Adidi rushed to hold me up then she went back to where she sat. I was confused, I didn't know if I should stand at Senior Adidi's side of the room or if I should stand at Senior Anne's side of the room. But before I could make up my mind, I was pushed to the center of the stage. 

"Get on your knees my friend!" one of the Seniors growled at me. I quickly went on my knees in tears. 

"What did we tell you the last time you were here?" a Senior asked. 

"You said I should stay away from Senior Miss Adidi." I cried. 

"Did you obey?" another one asked. 

"Yes Senior Miss. But I'm sorry about last night." I replied. 

"Shut up you slut! You feel you are all that right? I feel so sorry for you, because by the time you get the beating of your life tonight, you will never climb into anyone's bed till you leave this school." someone yelled at me. 

"I swear to you Seniors, nothing happened. We only slept. I had a nightmare. I swear nothing happened. Please believe me." I cried. 

"You see? I told you guys nothing happened, but you didn't believe me you've hear it from her now. I don't know why Anne reported this issue." Senior Adidi said. 

"Shut up you swine." Senior Anne growled at Senior Adidi. "Why did you take her into your bed? Did I not warn you to lay off what's mine?" 

"Listen Anne, I'm not in the mood for your nonsense so don't use that tone with me you fool." Senior Adidi grimaced as she charged towards Senior Anne, but she was stopped by the other Seniors. I watched as the both of them argued and called each other names. 

"See what you've caused? This has never happened before. Are you happy with this?" a Senior yelled at me as she pushed my head and I fell on the floor. 

"Leave her alone Rose. None of you dare touch her. I told you that nothing happened last night. Not that I didn't want it to. But she was too shaken up." Senior Adidi said as she pushed the Senior who poked my head away from me. 

"Well, she disobeyed the rule and she must pay." Senior Rose retorted. 

I watched in tears as the Seniors began to argue about the decision of what they should do to me. I closed my eyes and began to pray in my heart. I didn't even know what they wanted to do to me. Just then I heard a voice coming from the entrance of the building. 

"Why wasn't I invited to this party of witches?" 
I turned to look and it was Kimberly. I have never been so glad to see her. I got up and ran to her and stood behind her. 

"My friend will you get back and kneel where you were." a Senior ordered me. But Kimberly asked me to remain where I was and dared the Senior to get close to us and she would have her expelled from the school and all their activities will be exposed. 

"Are you bitches aware that Lisa had broken up with Senior Anne earlier that night before she went to Senior Adidi?" Kimberly yelled at them. 

They seemed shocked and confused. "What are you talking about Kimberly." Senior Anne asked. 

"Oh please Senior Anne, don't even get me started. What are you trying to achieve here?" Kimberly spat. 

The Seniors began to murmur among themselves, wondering what Kimberly was talking about. They seemed confused and lost. I leaned close to Kimberly's ear and whispered, "What are you doing?" and she whispered back, "Relax, I told you that you've got the aces remember? 

Kim continued, "Senior Anne and Lisa were already broken up. I'm guessing she left that little detail out when this gathering was called for. But Senior Anne, can you be kind enough to tell everyone here what led to Lisa breaking up with you?" 

There was a long pause and the whole place was so silent I could hear the crickets as all eyes turned to Senior Anne. Everyone waited for a response but she said nothing. 

"Cat caught your tongue Senior Miss?" Kimberly mocked Senior Anne breaking the silence.

"I have nothing to say to you Kimberly." Senior Anne said. 

"Yeah, I thought so. I look at you and it's like looking at a car accident. Your mother must be really proud! " turning to the rest of the Seniors, she said, "You are all so wicked. You know what you need?" 

"What?" one of the Seniors asked,

"You need a big black pot that you can all stir together, Witches!  I don't know why I'm even standing here for this 'all you can eat' character assassination. Now listen to me, all of you. Stay away from Lisa. Whatever she had with Senior Anne ended yesterday. Henceforth, she is my Lover. And if I am not bothered about who she Freaks with, then your butts have no business in it. She is free to live a normal life in this school and she has my blessings to do whatever she wants and with whomever she wants. Anyone of you abuse her again and I will have your ass. I'm sick and tired of you witches." 

These were Kimberly's exact words and I marveled at the way the Senior Misses were dumbfounded and watched her tongue lash them.  She took me by the arm and we left the Wolves den. Even from a distance, we could hear them quarrel. 

"Why didn't you tell us?" 

"What are you hiding?" 

"This is the second time that girl is ridiculing us because of you." 

"I hate that Kimberly. " 

"She only goes free because her family owns the school and she's untouchable." bla bla bla 

Kimberly and I laughed as we left the bushes, the moon was brightest that night than any other night. 

"Americana, again you saved me. Thank you. But what the hell took you so long?" 

"I have been around all along. I just wanted you to feel their wrath a little so you can appreciate what I just saved you from." 

"You are so evil Kimberly, by the way, what's the worse that could have happened to me tonight?" 

"Hmmm, I don't know. Apart from beating you and forcing you to eat their pussies one after the other and they all taking turns in fucking your pussy with a dong? Nothing much." 

"What?" I exclaimed 

"I warned you Lisa. You are lucky we are best buddies. I would have enjoyed the show from afar tonight." 

"How do you know all these?" 

"Because I have rolled in the sack with the big girls." 

"Americana, I may not say this often but I love you bigly. Thank you for being my savior. I Love you." I said as I hugged Kimberly.

"Enough, enough. Ewwww, get your sweaty and dusty body off me." Kimberly pulled away from my embrace all irritated and we continued to walk back to the dormitory.  "You are making me feel like I pulled the Pope out of a quick sand or something. Okay fine! The truth is that, I would never have been close to you again if those witches had raped you.." she added. 

‎I didn't know how to express the gratitude I felt for Kimberly, but I was happy beyond words. We got back to the dormitory and met Lara sitting outside. She ran to hug me. One would think I just returned from war in Iraq. She didn't care about my dirt covered clothing one bit. Kimberly and I explained everything to her and she was elated that I was rescued. She couldn't stop thanking Kimberly. I went to the bathroom to take my bath and wash away all the dirt I got from kneeling and when the Seniors pushed me on the floor and dragged me. I still don't understand why Senior Anne would want to put me through such torture, I thought she loved me, but she would really have preferred to see me punished just to sooth her ego without caring what it was that made me unnerve. She was really evil as far as I was concerned. I thought long and hard in the bathroom, but in the end, I was truly grateful that I was finally free from the wolves. It was already late and Kimberly had returned and Lara had gone to bed. I also went to bed but I didn't sleep. I just couldn't sleep. I was thinking of what could have been my fate that night if not for Kimberly. It's really wise to surround oneself with someone who has powers just incase. 

About an hour later, Senior Adidi returned, made a tent and went to take her bath before she retired to bed. I wondered why she made the tent but no guest came and a while later, the dormitory door was locked so I concluded I was the one she was expecting. I immediately tensed up with anticipation and excitement.  
Something about how Senior Adidi had slid through all my defenses and gotten me so overwhelmingly into the private pleasures of another girl... something about that turned me on immensely. She was my first, she had thought me a lot and almost every night before my involvement with Senior Anne. I realized I was more attracted to Senior Adidi and I had made love more times with her than with with Senior Anne. I got hornier just thinking of her and I couldn't wait anymore to do things to her. I took off my cloths and only wrapped myself with my sheet, I took two silk we used to tie our heads on Sundays in the school with me. Senior Adidi's bed was right next to mine so I wasn't seen. Not with the speed in which I moved. 

*Welcome back....... 

When I got to her bed, she had been waiting for me. I noticed she was undressed too. She got up and sat on the bed and I sat right next to her. We kissed for a bit then she pulled back.

"I knew you would come." she whispered. 

"You know me so well." I replied.

Falling back on the bed, she pulled me on top of her. More kissing, and our hands were everywhere. All the things that were "wrong" with me and all I had gone through that night were soon forgotten in the feel and taste of everything that was right with her. I took out the silks I had taken with me, she didn't notice, and while kissing her, I tied it around her wrist. She broke the kiss to gasp. 

"You're evil. Where did you learn to do that?"‎ she whispered.

"Yes, I am evil. And trust me, you don't want to know where I learned this." I whispered back as I tied her other wrist, "But I am so fucking good at it." 

My hands unoccupied, they found her nipples as my tongue found and licked the curve of her ear. She shivered as my fingers pinched her nipples into aching peaks and my lips, hungry for them, made their way down her neck to her chest to tease. When my head dipped to allow my pointed tongue to flick a nipple, she groaned. Then my lips wrapped around that same nipple to suckle and she arched hard for more contact.

"God, you're driving me crazy," she moaned.

Having switched to the other side, I stopped my flicking tongue only long enough to answer, "Enjoy the trip baby." Sucking, flicking, swirling, I spent a while with each nipple in turn. My hands held the full weight of each breast and squeezed them softly as I switched back and forth. To give her a little relief, I kissed between them at intervals so that when I go back, the tip I lavished attention on first is no longer numb to the sensation.

Her body was moving under my own and her breathing was heavy. I groaned when she gasped my name. "Lisa, this is so good," she whispered, "it feels so damn good." She pulled at the silk ties but they didn't relent. "Please, touch me. I need you so much."

I slid one hand down her stomach to her hip, "Where, baby?" My fingers found the source of her need and I gasp, "Here?" She nodded, frantic, and I slid a finger into the wetness and she grunted when I made contact with the most sensitive part of her body. 

"Oh," I groaned, "you do need me, don't you?" She was wet and drenched. Knowing I affected her this way spurred me to leave her breasts and make my way, kissing down to her thighs.

"Oh, God," she panted, "yes. yes." She spread her legs wider, eager for me to take my place between them. When my thumb rubbed circles on her clit, she trembled all over. Words fell from her lips but they were so broken with gasps and moans that I couldn't make any of them out. 

"Shhhhh," I cautioned her. Trying to remind her that we were not alone. But she didn't care because as it turned out, Senior Adidi and I were not the only lovers Freak-Fucking that night. We could hear some whispered moans coming from several directions of the dormitory.

Testing her body, I slid a single finger into her pussy and found her more than ready. I withdrew it slightly, almost completely out of her, before pushing it back in slowly. I smiled when her pussy seemed to suck on my finger, 
"Good girl," I whispered. Repeating this several times, I drew more and more wetness out of her. Finally I gave in to temptation and flicked my tongue against her pussy.

She began pulling at her restraints while arching her back. "Don't stop," she gasped. Her hips were moving seductively. The circular motion pushed her pussy forward to me and then away, like a sexy cat-and-mouse game, making her pussy go back and forth to me but in a circular motion, making her grind her clit against my tongue When the grinding began, I wrapped my free arm around her thigh, palm flat against her hip to hold her down. 

"Yes. Fuck yes. god damn," she grunted.

Thrusting my finger harder into her as I licked her clit, I added another finger. Her body accepted it willingly and she got even wetter. The push and pull motion set the pace for her hips and she undulated in perfect time. Tossing her head from side to side, she grunted and groaned a string of words I couldn't decipher. But it didn't matter, atleast, I was doing something right to her pussy. 
She kept  repeating "Oh my God" several times and I knew she was close.

I could smell her everywhere. I tasted her more sharply than anything else I've ever tasted. And making her tug at the ties, arch her back, spread her legs, tighten her pussy with her inner muscles, and give me the most precious gift she could... turned me on like nothing else.

As she moved swiftly and uncontrollably towards the end, the bed shook and squeaked under the effort of her thrusting hips. When she started begging, I start sucking her clit. Softly at first, then harder and harder to match my fingers diving in and out of her pussy, deep, hard, and fast. Her body tightened, quickly and like a vice. When she whimpered, just moments before she gasped, her hips bucked off the bed and the silk around her wrists held fast. Her body quivered, shook, trembled, and finally succumbed to the orgasm with a few violent thrashes and a shudder. Finally, while her body relaxed, I moved to straddle her hips and lean forward to kiss her. 

"Nice one Lisa. Very nice. Now untie me." Senior Adidi's tone was icy, yet laced with a dark sensuality. 

I quickly untied her, she was nolonger sounding like the sex deprived bitch I had just brought to orgasm, she sounded more authoritative. I quickly undid the restraints. 

"No one has ever restrained me, I am usually the Queen bee. You will pay for what you did to me Lisa." 

"But you didn't resist." I replied in a whisper. 

"I think you have me in a spell. It took me all my will not to rush over to your bed while you slept at night." Senior Adidi husked, "I've been saving myself for you because I knew you will be back to my bed, I've not had anyone on my bed in a while, it's one of the hardest things I've ever done," she paused before she added, "and the wettest." 

I felt really special, just hearing her say those words. It was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever said to me.  
We quickly switched positions and Senior Adidi  climbed atop me, kissing me with the ease natural to set encounters. The pleasures of her lips and tongue filled and relaxed my body and brain with the obliging passion of love mixed with the indefinite passion of casual sex, or the designing passion of seduction. Her womanly, feminine, balmy body pressed into mine immodestly, brazenly undulating so her curves shifted over me and drove up our respective body heat. 
Kissing continued as her fingers found their way between my moistened thighs which were wide open to her advance, making her job easier and inviting her into me. She rubbed my g-spot with that perfect touch and drew more moisture into the palm of her hand. 
I sank into lust with her while her tongue tickled the back of my throat and her two dexterous fingers tickled deep, deep inside of my snatch. They moved in and out leisurely, rubbing and rubbing my sweet spot. It sent a calm wildfire to my brain, burning away everything in its path.
Sopping wet and moaning in undisguised need, my body was ready for the next phase of pleasure in her bed. 
My eyes fluttered open briefly when her fingers left my pussy, but I closed my eyes and shivered in anticipation. I felt her hand back in my pussy, my wet, dripping pussy, it was wet from pure excitement. She rubbed her hand back and forth, squishing noisily through my pussy lips and drawing a hushed moan from deep in my throat. 
Her tongue made a lazy, wet trail down to my right breast. She teased it and nibbled around the edges. I tried to force her to take more of it into her mouth as she licked increasingly smaller circles around my nipple. When she finally ran her tongue across the stiff point, I moaned in ecstasy. She smiled and lifted her mouth to blow on the wet trail left by her tongue. That made my entire body shiver and I grabbed a hold of her hair, guiding her to my neglected left breast. She attacked it with the same intensity as she had done to my right breast. After only a couple of minutes of this, I was panting and trying to push her head down to my throbbing pussy. She could feel my nails scratching her scalp as I tugged on her hair. But she was not going to be rushed. She scattered some more small kisses across my belly and ran her tongue down to my belly button. She dipped her tongue lightly inside and toyed with the delicate area. . My arousal was clearly evident as it had dripped down onto the inside of my thighs. I was open, pulsing, and swollen, just waiting for her tongue to soothe my burning need. I was completely vulnerable to her, unable to do much more than beg and lift my hips to her hungry mouth. 

Teasing me further, she ran her short nails up the sides of my thighs. She could feel the goose bumps forming on my skin. She bit lightly at the inside of my thigh. I locked my heels behind her head and tried to pull her into me. She resisted, however, and instead rubbed her face into my trimmed pubic hair above where I wanted her most. She knew I was reaching my limit when I whispered desperately, 

"Fuck me!" 

She growled deep in her throat, grabbed my ass with both hands, pulled me to her face, and enclosed my pussy with her mouth. Sucking at my pussy lips, she drank the fragrant, sticky come that covered me. She ran her tongue down to my entrance and embedded it inside of me. I adored her tongue being inside me this way: the velvety muscle contracting around her tongue, the succulent arousal coating her face, and the pungent smell filling her nostrils.

She firmed her tongue and let me ride it, digging her hands into my firm ass and helping me ride her face from beneath. I grabbed hold of her hair again and forced her entire face against my pussy. Her nose pushed against my clit and she moved her face side-to-side. She could hardly breathe, but I couldn't care. My moans became constant and my hips started to lose their rhythm as I got closer to the edge. At last, my entire body stiffened and I ground my pussy hard against her face. She let out a moan of ecstasy and, though muted by my thighs wrapped around her head. The quick jolt of pleasure shot through my entire body. 

"Fuck. That feels good." I moaned and thrust my hips up towards her. 

 My entire body stiffened and I came hard on her face. My hips jerked, my clit pulsed, and my nipples were so tight I thought they would burst. The orgasm continued for what seemed like an eternity. Right as I was coming down from my intense climax, she drove two fingers inside me. 

"Fuck, yes. Just like that." I moaned.

It only took a few thrusts and I could feel myself cresting once again. I let out a loud moan and my stomach and thighs tensed so hard I was worried I might cramp. After I had finished, she pulled her fingers out of me, eliciting a growl from deep in my chest.
Afraid my legs would give out and I would smother her, I pulled her against my side. I was exhausted and she could tell I was spent. The warm and sweet lassitude that happens after good sex ran through me too. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy. It had been a long night but it was worth it. 

Senior Adidi and I cuddled up in eachother's arms in her small bunk bed. 

"Lisa, what's next? Are we going to continue sneaking around?" she whispered. 

"I don't see the harm in that. You will be leaving school in just a matter of weeks. So what is the point? I am tired of people talking about who I sleep with. Let's just keep on the down low. Besides, I don't know how Lara will feel about it." I replied. 

"What do you mean by 'you don't know how Lara will feel about it?' Lisa' are you saying you have never told her the truth about us?" 

"I've never told her. I didn't know how to. Please let's leave it. I don't want her to see me as a slut." 

"How does your sleeping with me make you a slut?" 

"Please let's not argue. We just had a beautiful moment. Let's not ruin it. By the way, did you have something to do with Angela giving me the key to Ms Joyce's apartment to wait for Senior Anne?" 

"If I had told you, you wouldn't have believed me. So I wanted you see for yourself. You've always seen her as a good girl. I just wanted to open your eyes." 

"I don't know whether to be mad at you or not. But it's okay, I've always liked you better." 

After I few minutes, we said good night and I sneaked back to my bed. I was so sleepy but I couldn't help thinking about the letter Lara got today. I was not going to loose her to anyone else. I have always loved Lara, but now someone else had beat me to it. There was no way I was going to let anyone take Lara from me. Never! I needed to work out something to stop her from being anyone Else's. 


                    To Be Continued.......... ©‎        


....Spontaneous, the thoughts that comes to mind when there's a suddenness of action, no premeditation, no external stimulus. There's no better description to portray me. Self motivated, glittering thoughts sprouting from a raunchy mind saturated in deep imaginations. A mind capable of conjuring vivid images of intense passion. Commencing from nerve endings, traveling along erotic neurons, transmitting pockets of sensual, lustful but exciting information to receptive hearts....feeding the needy minds desirous of luscious and amorous meals. That's me....seductive, sensual, sexual, spicy, steamy, stimulating, suggestive, and titillating are words that readily define my entirety. Mood sets in, Imagination runs wild, exploring the inner forbidden recesses expressed and recreated here as I invite you into this world of Erotica. It can only get hotter as you come along....

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