I Still Don't Feel Better.... 3

*The battle..... 

I was in shock myself, my feet froze as if I was glued to the floor. Shame had become me. All eyes were on me and people‎ started grumbling and whispering. Lara ran to me and hugged me tightly. She led me to go sit on my bed. After a few minutes, Lara leaned in and whispered to me, 

"What happened? Why did she do that?" 

"I don't know, I lied in tears." 

"What do you mean by you don't know?" 

"Listen Lara, I'm going through a lot of pain here. Please let me be." 

"Fine, I'm sorry. We talk when you are calm." 

Lara left me alone and went outside. I crawled into my bed and laid there for a while. I was so ashamed, I couldn't get up. I didn't even go for dinner. That evening, I heard a brawl outside the dormitory. Lara ran into the dormitory to call me. 

"Lisa, you need to see this, come quick." 

"Come where? What's going on." 

"There's a huge fight going on outside. Senior Adidi, Senior Anne and even Senior Mary are exchanging blows outside. Intact, a lot of Seniors are involved. Do you know what's causing the fight?" 

"How would I know? Please leave me alone." 

"Aren't you coming outside?" 

"What for? Do I look like a referee?" 

Lara left me alone again and went outside. The whole school turned upside down, there was very loud noise outside. I'm sure I was the only student who wasn't outside to watch the fight. I curled up on my bed and covered myself up. Finally, there was a loud ring from the school bell, and everyone ran inside. There was a lot of talks in the dormitory and I paid attention so I could get some details. ‎Different people had different opinions.

"That Senior Mary can fight though." 

"Did you see what they did to Senior Adidi?" 

"I think Senior Adidi deserves what she got." 

"But I still can't believe Senior Anne could stoop so low to engage in a fight. She's the school Prefect for heavens sake." 

"What would you have her do? Stand and watch Senior Adidi slap her?" 

"Don't forget Senior Adidi started the fight." 

"What could be the reason for the fight?" 

"I'm sure Senior Mary fought Senior Adid because of Angela. But why did Senior Anne and Senior Adidi fight?" 

"Have you forgotten that Senior Anne escorted that one (I`m sure she pointed at me.)  back to the dormitory this morning. Then Senior Adidi slapped her?" 

I listened on their arguments and deliberations while I pretended to be asleep even in the rowdy room and all the noise. Next thing I heard was "They're coming, they're coming, they're coming." 
Everyone ran to their bunk corner and the whole dormitory was calm, I'm sure if a pin dropped, one could hear it. First thing that crossed my mind was 'Who are they and what are they coming for?' 
I've never been so scared in my life. I curled my self more and covered up to my head. I shivered in fear, I wished I could turn back the hands of time, I would never have gotten involved with Senior Adidi. I knew they were coming for me, but who were they? I've always lived a very humble and private life ever since I got into this school, but tonight, my reputation was going to go to hell. in a split second, I was going to become the laughing stock of the whole school, my name was going to be on the lips of everyone in the school. 

*The gathering of the wolves........

"Lisa!" A voice called me. I pretended to be deeply asleep. 

"Who is Lisa?" another voice called out angrily. At this point, I knew they were all out for me and I couldn't wish them away or pretend not to hear them. I uncovered my head and found out that the only person who wasn't pointing at me to the Seniors was Lara. I got out of bed and found about five Seniors standing there, waiting for me. 

"Ohhh so you are the Lisa?" one of them said. 

"Come with us. NOW!" another said. 

. I noticed Lara start to cry. I signaled her to calm down that everything was going to be fine. The Seniors led the way and I followed behind like a slave. I've never been more afraid in my life. I followed them quietly and I could hear them talk to themselves. 

"What do you know, she's beautiful." 

"She's lucky she's fine." 

I felt like running away but where to? Heaven must have heard my cry for help because out of no where, I spotted Kimberly. She saw me being led by the wolves pack. 

"Lisa, she called out." 

"Don't you dare move." one of the seniors ordered. I immediately froze. 

"Now keep walking. Follow us." Another ordered. 

"NOW!" another senior screamed. 

"Lisa, don't you dare move from there. Wait for me." Kimberly ordered. 

"Keep moving." another Senior pushed me. 

Kimberly ran up and caught up to us. "Lara ran to me in tears. She told me everything." turning to the seniors, she asked, "Where the hell are you bitches taking her to?" 

"Respect us Kimberly." one of the seniors screamed. 

"Wrong answer Senior Miss." Kimberly said

"And what business of yours is it as to where we are taking her?" 

"Duhh! She is my friend and I demand to know. Either you tell or I report you guys. I hope y'all know who I am and I am not scared of you!" Kimberly spat. 

The seniors gathered together and whispered to eachother. They deliberated on Kimberly's involvement. Kimberly asked me some questions and I answered her truthfully. The I told her everything. There was no need lying to the only person who could defend me from the Wolves. She also told me that those seniors were horrible girls. When she told me what they could do to me if I was found guilty, that even she won't be able to defend me. She told me what to say and that I should stick to every answer I give. 

"You are too worried about your 'offense' that you have forgotten to plan your 'defense'.' She said to me. 

 Kimberly got pissed at the Seniors who were still talking to each other. 

"You know what? Forget about whatever you bitches are you plotting there. I'm nolonger interested in your answer. Let's just go." 

"Go where?" a senior asked. 

"Anywhere you are taking her to. I am going with you. And hey! I don't need your permission. Either that or I take her with me and I will report all your Asses to the Principal. So what's it gonna be huh?" 

After a little hesitation, it was obvious that Kimberly was not going to back down and the Seniors wouldn't dare do anything to her. 

"Okay, fine. You win. But just mind your business." a senior warned her. 

Few minutes later, we were in an uncompleted school building which was far away from the main school. The entrance was almost covered with bushes. After we managed to get in, to my shock, I saw Senior Adidi, Senior Anne, Senior Mary, Angela, other lovers of Senior Adidi and Mary and a bunch of many other seniors sitting on blocks molded for the building.  When Senior Anne saw me, she got up and walked up to me and kissed me. I was too nervous to kiss her back. I merely put my closed lips on hers. When Senior Adidi saw that Senior Anne kissed me, she got up and attacked Senior Anne who fought back. The other seniors got up and separated them. 

"Look at her! She's so shameless." Senior Mary screamed, pointing at Senior Anne. "She is fighting Anne over her babe, but she comfortably freaks other people's babes." 

"Oh shut up Mary! If you did them well they won't Cheat one you with me." Senior Adidi spat at Senior Mary. 

"Oh yeah! If you could do them better why would you loose Lisa to me? Obviously you can't freak it better than me Bitch!" 

I watched in fear as the three seniors exchanged another round of blows as the other Seniors tore them off eachother. After they had calmed down. The Assistant Senior Prefect got up to speak. 

"You girls disappoint me. But right before the woman in question arrived, we have all agreed to stick to two questions. Lisa, since you are the woman in question, come stand in the middle. And make sure you answer me truthfully." 

"Yes Senior Miss." I replied. 

"Are you Adidi's Lover?" 

I turned to look at Kimberly whom I drew strength from. She gave me a sign to remember what we talked about. I sighed and with I straight face, I said "NO Senior Miss." 

Senior Adidi jumped off the block she was sitting on and dashed towards me screaming "That's a lie you slut. We freaked for so many nights. Have you forgotten so soon?" but she was stopped before she got to me. There was an uproar for a few minutes. Then finally, everyone was calm. 
The Assistant SP turned to Senior Anne, 

"Anne, you said you met this girl a virgin?" 

"Yes! I popped her cherry myself?" Senior Anne responded. 

"She was scared of letting me pop her. I was saving her for a special moment. I was going to invite her over to my house next week during the midterm break." Senior Adidi lashed at Senior Anne. But her statement only ended up making everyone laugh at her. " 

"Ohhh! What a romantic setting you had planned." Senior Mary mocked. 

"Stay out of this Mary. This doesn't concern you." Senior Adidi retorted.  

"This concerns me because you freak other people's girls. And you cry Wolf when yours is taken. Or was Lisa really yours?" Mary lashed. 

The assistant SP soon got them to stop fighting. Senior Miss Anne remained suspiciously calm. 

"Having listened to all the facts and given the fact that Adidi has no proof, no one even saw Lisa with her, I only have one final question for Lisa." she turned to me, "Lisa, its obvious these two women like you, for them to fight over you like this. But it's all up to you. Who do you like and want to be with? Anne or Adidi. Think clearly, because if you choose one and you are later caught with the other, you will be dead meat. Now answer me." 

Without hesitation, I said "I want to be with Senior Anne." There was another uproar. Some people cheering and others that were for Senior Adidi making a fuse. Senior Anne walked up to me and kissed me, and I proudly kissed her back. Senior Mary also had something to say, she openly handed Angela a letter. That letter was what we refereed to as a sack letter. Whenever a girl was nolonger interested in her lover, she was to write her a sack letter. It was to be written in a Red pen and at the top of the letter, one will write 
Getting a 'SACK' letter was the most humiliating thing ever to happen to any girl in school. It was a horrible thing because you will be made fun of and mocked for a very long time or maybe until there was a new person to humiliate. 
After Angela revived the letter, she broke down and cried. Pleading with Senior Mary who pushed her away. Senior Adidi didn't care to console her. She walked away and so did other Seniors. The meeting was over so everyone left for the dormitory. I hugged my crazy Americana, Kimberly. She had saved me from the worst humiliation of my life. I excused myself and walked back with Kimberly. I needed to return to the dormitory to see Lara. I wasn't too happy about the whole mess, the entire school was going to be talking about me for the next few days. I may have openly denied Senior Adidi but deep down in my conscience, I felt bad about lying. Believe it or not, I had a soft spot for Senior Miss Adidi.  

"I feel so terrible. I don't know how I will be able to face Senior Adidi henceforth. Apart from that, the school will be talking about me from tomorrow." 

"Oh Boohooo." 

"What? Are you gonna mock me now?" 

"Not like that. Common girl! Forget about the pity party you are throwing for yourself. Get up and be proud of yourself." 

"How do you mean?" 

"Where have you ever heard that Seniors started a war against each other over a Junior student. Damn girl! You must be hot. Even I feel like getting me a piece of you." 

"Oh shut up crazy Americana." for the first time I laughed. Kimberly just succeeded in boosting my ego.  

"Instead of worrying over nothing, why not think of what you are going to tell Lara when you get back to the dormitory." 

"You have a point. But I have you for that." 

Kimberly and I cooked up a story that Senior Adidi had suspected that I leaked her affair with Angela to Senior Mary. Which led to her slapping me. And when Senior Anne heard of it, she decided to confront Senior Adidi who called for a fight. We garnished the ridiculous story and sold it to Lara who immediately bought it. 
People looked at me funny but that was okay, I didn't care. I tried as much as I could to be reserved and avoided being seen. I also avoided being around Senior Anne. I didn't like the fact that my relationship with Anne was made public and romantic details were discussed openly among seniors. I have always been a private person so the fact that everyone seemed to know my business made me loose interest. My feelings towards Senior Anne faded. Honestly, I would prefer to sneak into Senior Adidi's bed than for everyone to know where I was going when I went out to get freaked. Truth is, I enjoyed the excitement of sneaking in and out of Senior Adidi's bed, the fear of getting caught sent adrenaline thrills through me. 

*Always on my mind........

After everything that happened, the worst feeling was the awkwardness between Senior Adidi and I. It was bad enough that my bunk bed was still next to hers. She stopped talking to me or even answering my greetings. I missed her tortures, her demeaning errands, the fear I felt when she called me, I found myself thinking of her. I couldn't get her off my mind.  There was just something about a sneaky and forbidden Sex. The fear of getting caught gives me the shivers. 

One evening, just as I was about to take my bath, Senior Anne sent for me to meet her at the teacher's quarters. I felt very reluctant to yield but I had no choice. I walked sluggishly to the teacher's quarters. 

"Good evening Senior miss." I greeted. Feeling very awkward. 

"Hello Lisa. What took you so long?" 

"I was about to shower when I got your message. But I said I should quickly come respond to you before rushing back to shower." 

"Nonsense. What's the rush? Common I want to spend some time with you. You've been very evasive. Is anything the mater?." 

"No Senior Miss. I just wanted to go have my bath." 

"I have a bathroom here you know." 

"And your Aunt?"  

"She won't be back for another three hours. We have the whole evening." 

Reluctantly, I peeled off my clothes and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stood under it. It was like all my troubles melted away as I just stood there. A picture of Senior Adidi flashed in my mind as I closed my eyes under the shower. I rubbed soap all over. Mmmm, it felt so good. I rubbed all over my body, and I was really turning myself on. I imagined Senior Adidi in the shower with me, touching me in the right places. My hand slipped down my belly and through my little patch of carefully groomed hair, my finger finding its mark. Ohhhh that feels good... Rubbing and rubbing until I was startled to hear the bathroom door open. 

"Hey Lisa, what's taking you so long? I heard a soft moan. Don't tell me you are having fun without me." 

 I nervously grabbed for the sponge. Even though Senior Anne and I were lovers, it was still a little embarrassing to have her walk in on me pleasuring myself. I hoped she hadn't seen what my hands had been doing. 

"No Senior, I wasn't moaning. Just that the water is a bit too cold." I lied. 

"A cold shower sounds nice... can I join you?" 
Without waiting for my response, she stepped out of her skirt and pulled her top over her head to reveal a lacy bra and matching boyshort panties. 

'Sexy,' I thought to myself. Before I knew it, she was completely naked and got into the shower with me. Senior Anne pressed up against me, rubbing up and down my back. 

"Mmmm, you know if you keep that up I'll never finish bathing here! And remember you said we had just three hours?" ‎I said 

She smiled and pulled me closer, fully drenching herself under the shower head. We shared a very wet kiss and my hands followed the curve of her back down to her well-rounded butt. Her skin was so soft and wet, and it was driving me mad with desire. Even though I was still thinking of Senior Adidi. 
Senior Anne slid a hand between my thighs and slipped her finger inside of me. 

"Your pussy is dripping wet, sweetheart, we'd better do something about that!" She pushed her finger deeper then she rubbed my clit. I moaned and tilted my head back. The water cascaded over my face as I grew closer and closer to a climax. I was on the brink of cuming when she pulled her fingers out of me.

"You tease!" I sputtered. "I'll teach you to drive me crazy!" I took the hand-held shower head from its holder and changed the setting to a pulsing jet spray. Kneeling in front of her, her back against the wall, I parted her delicate wet pussy lips with my fingers and aimed the jet at her clit. She had such pretty lady parts, her vagina was surrounded by ruffled labia, meeting at a perfectly pink little rosebud. She let out a sigh of pleasure as the water massaged her throbbing clit. 

"Mmm... oh! Ohhh you're so good with that thing... Oh don't stop, stay right there!" she moaned. 
For good measure I slipped my middle finger inside of her and she let out a cry of pleasure. "Oh my god, Lisa! Oh, I'm going to cum. Make me cum!" I continued only for a second or two before I stopped.

"You didn't think I was going to let you come that easily, did you, Remember you teased me first?" I stood and kissed her deeply on the mouth, running my hands up her sides, barely grazing her breasts before wrapping my arms around her neck. 

"When did you become such a freak Lisa?" 

I blushed without responding. If only she knew it was the picture of Senior Adidi in my head that motivated me. We tenderly lathered each other, the scent of the body wash mingling with the smell of sex. Our hands and mouths wandered as we rinsed the soap down the drain. I turned off the water and we stepped out, wrapping ourselves in white towels. 

"Come on, love, let's take this into the bedroom," She purred, kissing my delicate mouth.

After we had crossed into the bedroom and she closed and locked the door behind us, Senior Anne faced me and dropped her towel. I again marveled at her lovely body, the way her breasts hung, her nipples standing at attention; her small waist and feminine hips, and her ivory thighs meeting at a perfect little V. Unable to resist her any longer, I discarded my towel and laid with her on the bed. 

"I want you to please me Lisa. Do to me as you wish. I'm really impressed by you!" she cooed.

I kissed her, teasing her a little with my tongue, then laid a gentle kiss on her neck, her chest, down her belly and finally settling on her vulva. I licked her from vagina to clit, her juices salty and abundant. Up and down and up I licked, circling her clit, sucking gently, then back down again. She moaned as my tongue slid inside of her, just the tiniest bit. I returned to sucking and circling her clit. She was squirming in ecstasy and called out, 
"I'm going to cum!" Maintaining my rhythm I continued until she screamed, "Oh my GOD I'm cumming!" Her hips bucked and her body seized. Liquid gushed from her vagina, trickling down my chin. I didn't stop sucking until she was done convulsing and she relaxed, enjoying the aftershocks of her climax. 

"When did you get this good Lisa?" she asked. 

"Experience." I replied

After she caught her breath, she told me, "I bought a present for you."

"Ooh, I love presents!" I said as I laid on the bed next to her, holding her.

"Well, it's a present for us... it's in that bag by the door." For the first time I noticed a big black shopping bag.

"Shared gifts are the best kind. Shall I go get it?" I asked

"No, let me. Stay here and close your eyes until I tell you to open them." she said and she stood a little shakily (that must have been an intense orgasm) and I closed my eyes. I heard the black bag rustle. I heard her tear at some plastic packaging and fiddle with the whatever-it-was. Some more faint rustling... then her feet padding over to me on the bed. "Alright, you can open your eyes." She stood over me, pleased with the contraption she had around her hips. It was a strap-on vibrator. She turned the dial at the base and it began to hum. 

"Mmmm, there's even a bullet that rests against my clit. Now, are you ready for me to fuck you?" she asked.

"I'm not sure." I said as my legs parted and she set the cool tip of the vibrator against my opening. I let out an involuntary moan as she thrust it into me. I was so close to cumming already, and after a few moments I shuddered and cried, "I'm cumming!" Waves of pleasure washed over me, and she kept pumping the silicone vibrator in and out, making sure to keep grinding against my clit. She kept going as aftershocks hit me. 

"Hang in there, baby, I'm not done with you yet." She gave a deeper thrust and leaned over to suck on my nipple, playing with the other with her fingers. I had regained control of my senses and was pleased to watch her breasts bounce and sway, squeezing together when she reached down to play with mine. 

"My turn now." she said. 

I got up and unstrapped her, I put on the strap-on and I assumed the missionary position, mounted Senior Anne and penetrated her. Possessing Senior Anne filled me with great rapture. I rose and fell on her, fucking her with all the skill of any man, but with the tenderness of a woman who loved women. The strap-on was equipped with a clit diddler for the wearer, and it delivered continuous pleasure to both of us. I could feel how her cunt was grasping the invader as I thrust it into her repeatedly. 

"Oh wow," she babbled. "Oh fuck, you fuck better than a man, I'm really loving this, a lot, a whole lot ..." Her face softened, her cheeks flamed, her long eyelashes fluttered, and she got a faraway look in her eyes.. "Oh, oh, don't stop," she wheezed, as I reared up to penetrate her deeper than ever. Her chest and neck broke out in a sex flush. "Please, please don't stop, I'm going to cum......."

I starred into her eyes and who I saw was Senior Adidi. I closed my eyes and positioned myself better  between her long slender legs, I held her thighs close to my body and felt her heels digging into my ass. I pumped my hips faster and faster, and I could feel the urgent tugs of her pussy on the dildo as it slid in and out of her. Her pre-orgasmic contractions increased in strength and frequency, and she began to claw at the sheets and thrash on the bed. She was giving me a wild ride from beneath me, but I knew just how to keep myself inside her.

"Wait, don't cum, don't cum yet, don't stop, ohhhhh!" she cried out, obviously forgetting for the moment who and what I was.

"Don't worry, love," I panted between thrusts. "This dick never gets soft even when I cum with you!" And I wasn't far from it. Watching the beautiful Senior Anne surrender to her sexual climax raised my level of excitation, and my clitoris was throbbing frantically under the wobble of the latex dildo. Strong waves of pleasure tore through me as I fucked her, and then it was my own voice I heard crying out in unison with Senior Anne as I rode her through the thrills and joys of simultaneous orgasm.‎ Again, I saw Senior Adidi in her eyes and it drove me wild. I lifted her legs to rest on my shoulders so I could get deeper and almost drove both of us mad with delight. 

"Oh my God!! Lisa! Please don't stop!" she cried. 

"I wont." I replied. 

As promised, I didn't stop. I grabbed her in my arms and pulled her up into a new position sitting on my lap without ever having to pull my dildo out of her. We groped each other frantically, fucking with no inhibitions and climaxing seemingly without end.  She howled, she roared. She was too shocked to do anything at all except cum and cum and cum.
Exhausted, I relaxed as She fell on the bed beside me. "That thing," she gasped, "was worth every penny." I smiled and we curled up together unable to move. 

"Lisa, where did you learn to fuck like that?" 

"How do you mean?" 

"It was like when you looked at me, you saw someone else and it made you aggressive." 

I smiled and I said "Experience, Senior Miss. Experience." then I winked at her and got up to go wash off the sex smell and later got dressed. 

"Hmmm, Experience? I won't even bother to ask you what that means. But I better not find out that you are cheating on me because I don't understand this sudden confidence."

I didn't respond, all I wanted to do was just get out of there and return to the dormitory. She asked if she should see me off and I said No. Truth is, I didn't want to be seen with her because people will automatically know where I was coming from and what we just did. As I walked back to the dormitory, I suddenly thought of Senior Adidi and I smiled. 

"Lisa! Lisa!" 

I turned and saw Lara and Kimberly running towards me. I hurried to catch up with them. 

"What is it? Is everything okay?" I asked. 

"We have good news." Kimberly said. 

"Yes we have good news." Lara interrupted. "This crazy Americana has been able to get us a new bed space. It's left for you to pick which dormitory you want to relocate to. If you still want to remain in that same dormitory, then we can pick a bed far away from Senior Adidi. But I already told Kimberly that we want to go to Senior Anne's dormitory and...." 

"I had heard enough. I interrupted Lara. "Wait, wait, wait, what rubbish are you guys talking about? Did I tell you people I had any trouble with my bed remaining beside Senior Adidi? And Lara, what's with moving to Senior Anne's dormitory?" 

"Jeezz! Take it easy Lisa. We were just trying to help. Why are you offended? Aren't you the same person that always complained about how awkward it's been sleeping next to Senior Adidi after that whole mess days ago?" 

"Yes Lara. But I don't remember telling you guys that I want to move." 

"Oh really? Suit yourself. Sometimes I wonder what is going on in that head of yours. You are so ungrateful." Lara spat and walked away. 

I tried to call her back but she refused to listen. So I let her go. Funny enough, it was not over. An angry looking Kimberly was starring at me. 

"What?" I asked. 


"Oh please Americana leave me alone. I love where my bed is. I'm used to it. Don't forget the Senior Miss are in their final year and will be leaving in just three months. So why should I run now? You guys should have asked me first." 

"Listen Lisa, you don't fool me. Lara is gone now so start talking. Why would you want to remain close to Senior Adidi? You've fallen for her haven't you?" 

"Its not like that Kimberly." 

"So how is it?" 

"I really enjoyed sneaking around with her. I preferred it when my sex life was a secret. I like Senior Anne though. But this whole public thing has made me loose interest. Imagine I look at her face while we freak and I see Senior Adidi's face. I just want to sneak into her bed again." 

"Hmmm! That's tough Lisa. That sounds like getting shot and then hanged. You know that will be impossible, Remember the warnings those seniors gave you? Even I won't be able to save your sorry ass. Besides, what makes you think Senior Adidi will still wanna touch you after that whole shit? Careful babe." 

"Hey! Easy Americana. I know Senior Adidi still wants me. I see how she looks at me." 

"Well, in that case, I only have one thing to say." 



"What's that?" 

"On Your Own Bitch!" 

"Kimberly, You are an idiot. You know that?" 

"Whatever Lisa. We'll see soon who is." 

Kimberly and I returned to the dormitory and we talked to Lara who was washing clothes outside the dorm and she calmed down. I left Kimberly and Lara outside I needed to go change to my nightie. After I changed, I somehow came across a note under my pillow. I opened the note. 

Lisa, I can't forget about you and I'm sure you've been thinking about me too. I can see it in your eyes. I don't want to beat about the bush, so let me hit the nail on the head, I have missed you and I want you tonight. I will make a tent for us. See you tonight. 
      She......... S.A." 

I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me what S.A stood for. It meant Senior Adidi. I showed the not to Kimberly who teased the S.A could also mean Senior Anne. But I knew Senior Anne never signed with initials. We whispered for a bit and I decided to reply. 

"No tent, Not in the dormitory. Anywhere but here. And definitely not tonight. I will let you know when"

Kimberly had asked I be careful because it could a set up. So I shouldn't just accept. For all she cared, Senior Adidi could have planned with other Seniors to catch me on her bed while I was having orgasm. Very risky I must say and very scary too. Kimberly took the note to Senior Adidi and dropped it on Senior Adidi's bed while pretending to say hello to her. All these went on without Lara knowing, although she was very suspicious but she felt it had to do with Senior Anne. She could have never suspected it had to do with Senior Adidi. ‎That night, I couldn't help longing for Senior Adidi, I wanted to have a feel of that forbidden passion,  but I didn't dare go to her. Not because I didn't want to. But out of fear. But how long was I going to be afraid?

                        To Be Continued.......... ©‎             


....Spontaneous, the thoughts that comes to mind when there's a suddenness of action, no premeditation, no external stimulus. There's no better description to portray me. Self motivated, glittering thoughts sprouting from a raunchy mind saturated in deep imaginations. A mind capable of conjuring vivid images of intense passion. Commencing from nerve endings, traveling along erotic neurons, transmitting pockets of sensual, lustful but exciting information to receptive hearts....feeding the needy minds desirous of luscious and amorous meals. That's me....seductive, sensual, sexual, spicy, steamy, stimulating, suggestive, and titillating are words that readily define my entirety. Mood sets in, Imagination runs wild, exploring the inner forbidden recesses expressed and recreated here as I invite you into this world of Erotica. It can only get hotter as you come along....

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