I Still Don't Fell Better.... 4


A few days went by and the feeling of fear began to ebb. Senior Adidi and I continued to steal glances when no one was watching. I was dying to touch her and I knew she was dying to have me too. Each time I saw her, my clit throbbed and my pussy got wet. When no one was looking, she would make eye contact with me and lick her lips in a luscious manner. I will watch as her very wet tongue will draw a circle on her lips and make her lips wet. I tried to imagine her tongue on my clit and it drove me mad. I didn't want to let my desires for Senior Adidi get me into trouble but the truth was that I wanted her so badly. One evening, just as I was contemplating whether to screw it to hell and just Sneak-freak with Senior Adidi or not, I noticed Angela walking towards me and I began to wonder what she wanted with me. Ever since the 'night with the wolves, where she got her red pen written SACKING letter, she had not spoken to me. So what did she want now? I was curious to know what she was up to. So I stopped what I was doing and looked up.

"Hello Lisa."

"Hello Angela, Nice Legs. What time do they open?" 

"What kind of rubbish is that Lisa? When will you stop insulting me?"

"Its not an insult." 

"Ever since you saw Senior Adidi and I at the bakery, you won't stop being sarcastic about my legs being open or close. She rejected me for your sake, isn't that enough for you?" 

"I'm only complimenting your nice legs. Or don't you know you have nice legs? What's the name of this show you are putting up? Lady snatching insults out of the jaws of a compliment?" 

"Stop asking what time my legs closes or opens. It's none of your business. I don't ask you who freaks you so stay out of my business."

"Fine! What is it you want Angela?" 

"Senior Anne asked me to tell you to meet her at the teacher's quarters. She said you should get the key from her provision locker and let yourself in."

"Okay thanks." 

"You've got a really sick sense of humor. Keep it up." 

"Shut up Angela. I'm not the one who asked you to cheat on Senior Mary so quite being a whiny brat!"

Angela stuck her tongue out and walked away, I stood there watching as she wriggled her big butt. She must have known I was watching because she walked even slower. After a few seconds, I shook my head to get Angela's crazy butt picture off my head and come back to reality.
Senior Anne had never asked me to go to the teacher's quarters with a spare key. I always knock and she opened. And why did she send Angela to me? She's always sent a note. Besides, I just saw her about an hour ago, carrying some books she said she wanted to drop at her Aunt's place, I even offered to help her carry them there but she declined and said she was meeting up with her Aunty and they were going there together. It didn't make sense but what's the worse that could happen? I was safe in the teacher's quarters after-all Senior Anne's Aunty lived there. So I was pretty sure I had nothing to worry about.
I quickly tidied up stuffs and told Lara I was going to buy something, went to Senior Anne's cupboard and got the keys to her Aunt's apartment and headed to the teacher's quarters. 

Just out of curiosity, I knocked but there was no answer. So I opened the door with the key in my hand and let myself in. I called out for Senior Anne, but there was no answer. I called out a few more times before I realized how stupid I was. I mean, if she was home she wouldn't have asked me to use a spare key. 'I'm such an idiot' I smiled to myself. I looked at the clock and told myself that if Senior Anne didn't get there in the next ten minutes I would leave. I sank into the couch and noticed a video case on the table. I picked it and looked at the case and read the title. 'Mistress and Slaves. FEM DOM.' Wow! I never knew Anne would be interested in such things. I mean she always appeared so gentle. But why would she just leave this lying around? What if her Aunt came home and found this? I decided to turn on the TV and VCR to take a peek just to see how sick Senior Anne was. Just as I was about to grab the remote off the table, I heard foot steps and arguments. I wasn't sure what to do and how many they were. But I recognized Senior Anne's voice. I quickly ran into the bedroom to hide. The door was opened and Senior Anne and the person she was arguing with came into the living room, still arguing.

"Is something wrong with you Anne? I'm talking and you are walking away. Are you insane?"

"No! I'm not insane. I've apologized. What else do you want me to do?"

"Really? Anne? Really?" 

"Listen Joyce, don't think I'm an idiot. You think I don't know you've been freaking some students too? Haha! Ofcourse I know! I also know you've been freaking with Mrs Duke, the music teacher."

"If you knew all this and you were so sure, why didn't you say something? Does that give you a right to become a slut?"      

"I just wanted to endure because I knew I was leaving high school in just a few weeks. So I can rid myself of you."

"Anne what do you mean?

"I'm sick and tired of this relationship Joyce. My mother will be really disappointed."

"And who is going to tell her? You?"

"No, I won't. And that's just because I don't want to break my mother's heart. She trusted you to look after me from day one."

"So what are you saying? You regret you and I being lovers?"

"Just let me go."

The Revelation.........

I had heard enough to realize who Senior Anne was arguing with. It was none other than her Aunt, who lived in the apartment. So what was this? They were lovers? Ohmygod! What have I gotten myself into. At that rate, I knew the argument wouldn't just end well. I knew they will soon head for the bedroom so I ran and hid in the closet. The closet had a wooden door and the design was like a basket so there was many holes to see through. I remained in the dark closet listening to them in the living room. The next thing I heard was heavy movements and some furniture being pushed around. I figured they were struggling. I almost ran out of the closet to go separate them but Ms Joyce gave me the creeps. If she had heard of me, then I better stay put. Besides, why would I want to get involved in lover's fight. Plus, I didn't tell anyone where I was going so if anything happened to me, no one will know. I had to wait it out. Their voices drew closer to the bedroom. I was so scared.

"Let me go Joyce."

"Make me,"

Ms Joyce dragged Anne to the bedroom and flung her on the floor. Ms Joyce pulled out the tiny belt from her skirt and walked towards Senior Anne. I think she was trying to grab Senior Anne's arm but Anne pulled away from her. Instead she grabbed Anne's hair. She tugged it hard so Anne winced. She held onto Anne's hair, and pulled downwards, so Senior Anne had to bend, and almost kneel. She kept pulling until Senior Anne was actually kneeling, on the floor, and then she hit her with the belt.

"Let me go Joyce."

"Shut up you slut. You know I own you. I've owned since the day you stepped foot in this school."

Ms Joyce swung at Anne, a bit wildly. Still holding her hair and she hit the belt against Anne`s back and ass through her school day wear, and against her bare legs too. It hurt, especially on bare skin. It hurt enough she shrieked and tried to pull away. It hurt enough Anne wanted to curl up and hide under her own arms but she couldn't because Ms Joyce was still holding her hair. She whipped Senior Anne more with the belt till her dress slid up as she struggled, most of the way up her legs, giving Joyce, more bare skin to hit. After about ten whips, Anne was just lying there sobbing, she had stopped struggling, Ms Joyce tugged Anne's dress all the way up her legs. She pulled it up to Anne's waist, so she could hit her tummy and hips and the top of her legs, too. She hit Anne again. She hit hard, so it stung sharply, so it's probably is leaving marks, grazes and bruises. Then she ordered Anne to remove her clothes which she quickly obeyed.

I almost let out a cry but I remembered where I was and I swallowed hard. I couldn't believe it. One thing I was more curious about was why Senior Anne wasn't screaming for help. She seemed to like it, she seemed to have gotten used to this. How often has this been happening? She was being abused and all she could do was whine like a bitch in heat? I didn't get it.
Ms Joyce hit her really hard on the ass and she sobbed gasped and tried to crawl away from her but she couldn't. Anne kept whining as if the sting from the belt was a sexy and achy sting. But to me, that must have hurt like a desperate fire.

"Crawl on your knees now you bitch!" Ms Joyce growled.
Anne crawled, now facing Ms Joyce who stood there looking down at her. She looked up at Ms Joyce and wiped some tears off her face.
I began to wonder what was going to happen next.

"You promised you were never going to do this to me again." Senior Anne lamented.

"That's because you want to be a slut. And you pissed me off." Ms Joyce replied.

"I'm sorry. Please! You know I love you." Anne patronized.

"Really?" Ms Joyce sarcastically mocked.

Senior Anne nodded. "Now show me how sorry you are." Ms Joyce said and pulled off her shoe. Lifting her leg and extending her feet to Senior Anne, she said, "Now lick it. Show me you are still my little slut."

Okay that was the height of it. I felt this was when Senior Anne would get up and angrily scream out for help. But to my surprise and utmost shock, she brought out her tongue and began to lick Ms Joyce's feet as if she really wanted to. She was still kneeling on the floor before Ms Joyce. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was as if she wanted it desperately. She licked her shoe, and licked her skin. She licked the top of her foot, and kissed her toes, and licked around her ankle.

"Here," Ms Joyce said, and touched her calf with the belt. "Higher."

Senior Anne nodded and  licked. She kissed and licked and tasted Ms Joyce who pointed again, higher on her leg, and she licked there too. She kept pointing at different spots again, and Anne kept licking again. She licked up her leg slowly, as Ms Joyce watched. She licked higher. Her knee, her thigh. Ms Joyce lifted her skirt as Senior Anne licked.

"Here," Ms Joyce said, and pulled her panties aside. A grin flickered onto her face and she strained to control the sudden rush of cruelty behind it.

Senior Anne licked her there. Ms Joyce held her head in there. But I could see she didn't really need to as Senior Anne gladly lapped at her pussy like a dog and licked her out. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was as if she adored Ms Joyce`s pussy and savored the taste. She moaned as she licked Ms Joyce's pussy wildly and hungrily that Ms Joyce's feet wobbled and she almost tripped.

"Good, right, yes. Uhhh, FUCK! Just there, Beautiful!"

Senior Anne ignored the fact that Ms Joyce almost fell and kept licking her pussy. I could hear the flickering of her tongue on Ms Joyce's clit from the distance I was in the closet.

"Ohhh you are such a good slut. Eat that pussy baby girl. Show me you still love me. Prove to me you are still my slut and I am still your mistress. Put what I've taught you to good use. Oh yeah. Fuck!"

Senior Anne began to lick her pussy even more aggressively like a hungry dog. So bad that Ms Joyce had to sit down on the edge of the bed as her legs got weaker as she came.

"Good girl! Good, good, ah-AH, very good girl!" Ms Joyce moaned.

I felt juice begin to pour out of my own pussy even though I tried to ignore the tingling sensation in my pant. I was still in awe.
Ms Joyce put the belt she has used to whip Senior Anne around her neck and let it tighten until she felt it almost enough to be dangerous and then she pulled senior Anne onto bed.

"You know that I love you and you mean the world to me?" Ms Joyce said softly.

"I love you, too?" Senior Anne replied almost in tears.

"Good. I want you to keep that in mind. Remember while I'm teasing your defenseless body until you think your pretty little head will explode that you've always done this of your own volition. You knew full well that I'd abuse the privilege. My little Slut."

I saw Ms Joyce get off the bed and stood to remove her clothes, making a show of it and tossing each article onto the floor so that Senior Anne could enjoy watching her get naked. So slowly and so painstakingly. Ms Joyce stood there looking ever so sexy. She walked towards the closet and I became scared she was going to find me. Just as I was about to start begging, I saw her open the other closet door beside the one I was in. I swallowed hard again. I was gripped in fear and almost passed out. I heard her struggle with some things but because she was by the side, I couldn't see her. I waited till she returned to the bed area in front of me. She was holding some stuffs I didn't understand. Some were in chains and others were as leathers.
Ms Joyce crawled back to bed on all fours slowly and seductively. Then she took Senior Anne's hands above her head and used the stuffs she got from the closet to restrain her hands to the bed. Senior Anne did not resist, it was as if she wanted this to happen which was a shock to me. I watched as she kissed Senior Anne as her hands trailed down Senior Anne's body all the way down to her pussy.

"Dripping wet already?" Ms Joyce teased.

I was surprised. How could anyone get aroused by such treatment? I didn't understand it.
I watched as Ms Joyce pushed a finger into Senior Anne's pussy and then she pulled out her finger which was soaked with Juices from Anne's pussy and she pained Anne's lips with her pussy juice. I marveled in the rather undignified manner as Senior Anne quickly licked her lips. Ms Joyce repeated the process of dipping into Anne's Pussy and painting it on Anne's lips, and Anne licked it right off again. The next time, Ms Joyce painted all over Anne's upper lip. I marveled again as Senior Anne shamelessly managed to lick her juice even from the bottom of her nose with her quick tongue.
Senior Anne's legs started to twitch and Ms Joyce realized that she was tapping her feet. Ms Joyce grinned wickedly and said, "Awww, my poor slut is horny. Did you actually think I was going to make it easy for you?"

"Please touch me, I need to get a relief. I'm aching badly. Please!" Anne cried.

"Oh no my slut. You are not going to get that relief until I permit you to."

Anne began tugging at her right wrist restrained by a leather strap around her wrist fastened by a silver chain which ran to a corner of the bed.

"If you won't touch me, atleast free one of my hands so I can touch it myself."

Ms Joyce quickly stopped her. "Don't you dare, you can't  touch that pussy, else I whip your fingers. I own that pussy and I shall decide what to do with it."

"Yes mistress." Senior Anne replied.

Okay, that was new to me. Mistress? What had I really gotten myself into. How do I get out of this closet? What is if get caught?
Ms Joyce looked at Anne who was so horny, then she knelt between her legs and kissed the ticklish skin of her smooth knees, then the sensitive skin of her supple thighs, then the outer lips of her quivering pussy. Anne's incendiary mewling and frustrated groans continued as Ms Joyce nibbled and licked back down to her knees and kissed back up to her center a few more times. Then she curled the sides of her tongue to scoop up a dollop of her pussy cream. She crawled up Anne's body, gently held her mouth open, and tongue-kissed her pussy flavor into her mouth.

"Savor that for a few moments, my little slut." Ms Joyce whispered to Anne while she moaned and raised her hips as high as she could to get attention from Ms Joyce who clearly ignored her.

Ms Joyce's lips return to Anne's for some more unhurried kissing, but her fingertips on Anne's breastbone can feel her heart. The kissing intensified and her hand goes to Anne's neglected pussy. Anne sighed in relief because her pussy was finally getting some attention. Ms Joyce pulled out of their kiss briefly to flicker her tongue on Anne's pretty pink lips and pearly white teeth while two fingers kept hitting Ann's g-spot. But before Anne could get to release, Ms Joyce withdrew her fingers from Anne's pussy as Anne whimpers in protest. Ms Joyce ran her fingernails all over Ann's body in light scratches. Then she got ontop of Anne and jumped her baseline. Anne's hips tried to hump back but she couldn't get anything. All she could feel was air against her open pussy. Ms Joyce went down between Anne's legs and again, Anne sighed in relief. Unconsciously, I sighed too thinking that finally, Ann's pussy was going to be eaten so she could get a release so that atleast, this whole exhibition will end, but I was wrong.
Instead of Ms Joyce putting her mouth on Ann's pussy, she pushed herself a up a bit and in an extended pussy-tease session she used her nipples to rub onto Anne's pussy lips and clit designed to further her sweet torture rather than provide her sweet release. Anne bucked her hips uncontrollably whimpering in frustration as the nipples on her pussy was just like a feather brush.

"Mistress, just fuck me! Please?! Suck my clit! Fuck my pussy, shove your fingers in me! I need to cum! Please, please, just Fuckme, fuckme, fuckme, fuckme, fuckme! I can`t take this torture anymore. Ineed to cum. Fuck me damn it." Her vexed groan vibrates the room.

After a while of her begging falling on deaf ears she gave up begging and her sounds became an animalistic mix of inarticulate whimpers and moans.
Ms Joyce grinned wickedly at frustratingly horny Senior Anne. She locked eyes with Senior Anne who was breathing heavier and communicating both arousal and desperation in her gaze. Ms Joyce was finding her pleading looks immensely satisfying.
Ms Joyce pressed her advantage and pushed harder as her lips closed over Anne's. Her warm moist mouth covered Anne's as her tongue pushed at her lips which parted, gently at first, and then opening just a bit more allowing Ms Joyce to explore her mouth.
She instructed Anne to stick out her tongue and she pressed two fingers over her lips. When Anne did as directed, Ms Joyce captured the soft pink flesh between her fingers and then bent down to suck on it, drawing it into her hot mouth. Over and over Anne was instructed to stick her tongue out as her tormentor closed her fingers around it, playing with her tongue, and then sucking, biting on it with her own. She broke the kiss and took Anne's nipple into her mouth, sucking, biting the nub, swollen as she toyed with it.

"You like that don't you baby? You like me sucking on your nipple? hum my little slut," Ms Joyce moaned as she kept up her assault.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck. I love it mistress." Senior Anne moaned.

Few seconds on, Ms Joyce lifted her mouth off Anne's nipples and scooted up.

"Suck my nipple slut. Take it into your mouth, and if you do a good job, maybe I can give you the relief you so desperately need." she cooed as she pressed her warm breast to Anne's pouty lips. There was no hesitation before Anne opened her mouth and closed her soft lips around  Ms Joyce's large pink nipple. She sucked gently at first, and then with more passion, until she lost herself in abandon, biting, sucking, licking the pink flesh which hardened in her mouth. Her breast tasted salty but delicious. Anne tried to anxiously take more of it into her mouth as Ms Joyce pulled it free, teasing her, before sticking it back. Anne couldn't get enough of her tits as Ms Joyce swapped one then the other as she feasted on her large firm breasts.

Ms Joyce repositioned as she straddled Anne's head, inching up until her own pussy hovered just so over Anne's head.

"Eat me baby. Show me how much you love my pussy," she groaned as she lowered her hot love box to the young woman's face. Anne's tongue sought out the warm flesh that awaited her, she settled into the wet folds which closed around her mouth. She lapped Ms Joyce's pussy hungrily as one would a favorite dish and enjoyed the sighs and sounds Ms Joyce made as she worked her tongue into her hot wet hole.

"That's right. Lick me slut. Eat that pussy. Show me what a good little bitch you can be. Use your tongue. Suck on my clit...oh that feels so fucking good," Ms Joyce chanted as Senior Anne ate her with more and more enthusiasm. ‎She bucked wildly against Senior Anne's face.
Ms Joyce reached behind her and used her expert fingers to massage Anne's throbbing clit and she felt the familiar rush of heat as her legs shook, signaling her impending orgasm as Ms Joyce ground her own pussy into Anne's face.
As soon as Anne began to trash wildly on the bed, Ms Joyce withdrew her fingers from Anne's pussy leaving her frustrated again. Anne began to trash aggressively on the bed in frustration, flinging her legs in protest. Ms Joyce struggled to hold her body down as she continued to fuck her pussy on Anne's face.

"Shhhhh, calm down little slut. I don't want you to cum yet. I own you and you will come when I say so." she moaned and Anne slowly calmed down and pushed her tongue deeper into Ms Joyce pussy. Ms Joyce fucked Anne's face till her orgasm built up.

"Arrgghhh! Yes! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! That's it. Eat that pussy! Yes I'm close. My feet are getting cold. Fuck! Yes! I'm cumming! Ohhhh my beautiful slut! I'm cumming!!!!! YES! YES! YES!"

Ms Joyce rode Anne's face and bucked wildly till her orgasm ended. She got off Anne's face and kissed Anne on the lip, tasting her own juice. She closed in and gently eased her body down on Anne's as their mouths met in a long sensuous kiss

"Good girl. You eat pussy so well. You deserve a treat now. I'm going to take care of you now my little slut." she moaned into Anne's mouth.
Anne was no longer hesitant and eagerly accepted Ms Joyce hot tongue, even seeking it out, sucking on it. Anne wrapped her legs around her lover's body. Her hands still restrained above her head, Ms Joyce reached over and unbuckled one, as Anne then moved it down to Ms Joyce's lower back. Rubbing it across her shoulders before cupping her hand around her firm ass, pulling Ms Joyce tight against her own body.

Ms Joyce undid the other restraint, allowing Senior Anne now to embrace her lover with both hands. She grasped Ms Joyce firmly, as Ms Joyce slid a leg over hers, their hot pussies grinding against each other as they continued to kiss, each taking turns frenching the other with their tongue. They fucked each other's pussies in the scissors style or should I say clit2clit as it was called in the dormitory. While grinding her pussy on Anne's pussy, Ms Joyce dove madly to her breasts, sucking one then the other nipple. Licking her chest, all around the soft flesh and then moving back up to kiss her again, her tongue pushing madly into Anne's hot mouth.

Anne, responded by grinding furiously at Ms Joyce's pussy. Sensing Anne was close to Orgasm, Ms Joyce .
pulled away again. She got off the bed leaving a frustrated Anne, almost in tears.

"Don't worry my horny baby, I have something better for you."

With that, she walked back to the closet and opened it. I  noticed she was struggling to get something out. There was silence for a few seconds, but I couldn't see what was going on. Although I noticed Anne's eyes lite up and she smiled. I couldn't see what she saw that made her so happy and I became very curious. Few seconds later, Ms Joyce stepped away from the closet and what I saw made my heart beat fast as juice leaked from my pussy. Ms Joyce had the same strapon Senior Anne had fucked me with days ago.

"I see my little slut is smiling. You love this cock don't you? Right from the moment I saw it on the shelve of that toy shop, I knew it was perfect for you my slut. And you know what I'm going to do with it?" she smirked

Whatdafuck did I just hear? Senior Anne had told me she bought it for me when she fucked me with it days ago. What a lying Bitch. I felt like jumping out of the closet to strangle her. But I stayed put. By the way, I was the idiot here. I should have known. How was she able to leave the school compound to go to a sex toy shop? Oh boy! Was I stupid. I've been such a fool. Tears welled up in my eyes but the juice leaking from my pussy distracted me from the anger and betrayal I was feeling.

Ms Joyce smiled as she buckled the harness into place and held the rubber phallus in her hand. Senior Anne slowly nodded without uttering any response.

 ‎"Tell me! What am I going to do?" Ms Joyce demanded.

Senior Anne looked at the menacing cock which swung from Ms Joyce's hips. "You're going to fuck me. You're going to fuck me with it," she said softly, almost like a little girl.

"That's right. Now scoot down so I can fuck that hot little snatch of yours," Ms Joyce demanded.

Senior Anne scooted down, and Ms Joyce positioned herself between Senior Anne's legs and pulled her up doggie style.  She wet her fingers and pulled apart Anne's already slick pussy. She had lubed the cock up in preparation for this next assault and was pleased with how easily it slid into Senior Anne's tight opening. Senior Anne gasped as Ms Joyce's hard shaft slid in little by little, filling Senior Anne completely.

"Take it baby, take my cock, take all of it," Ms Joyce chanted as she worked the rubber phallus all the way into Senior Anne's greedy love box. Senior Anne backed her ass into Ms Joyce's hips drawing an appreciative groan from her mistress.

"That's right baby. Fuck me. Give me that pussy. Look to your left. Look in the mirror... what do you see?" Ms Joyce chanted as she urged Senior Anne to take notice of the vanity mirror which stretched across her bedroom bureau.
Senior Anne looked over, looking at the sight of her lover fucking her. It was almost as if it were someone else she was watching. But strangely, it was the most erotic thing I had ever seen.

"What do you see baby?" Ms Joyce pressed.

"I see you fucking me," Anne finally acknowledged as she moved her ass back in rhythm to Ms Joyce's thrust.

"Yea, I'm fucking you real good....aren't I baby," Ms Joyce shot back.

"Yea," came Senior Anne's one word reply as she moaned. "You fuck me real good mistress."

"What was that shit you said to me a while ago? You said you regret being my Lover right?"
Ms Joyce chanted between thrust, her own hips slapping loudly when they met Senior Anne's wet sweating flesh.

"Tell me, you can't wait to rid yourself of me," Ms Joyce kept on, only this time she slapped Senior Anne's ass hard with her open palm, sending a stinging blow, and leaving a hand-print across her butt cheek.

Anne groaned lightly but didn't yell or complain knowing full well any utterance would likely produce another blow.
"I think so," came her feeble reply.

Ms Joyce again slapped her butt cheek, this time causing her to jump and her face landed in the pillow in front of her, drawing a muffled cry.

"Yes, that's what I said. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry," she moaned as she looked back at Ms Joyce who was smiling smugly.

"Don't be sorry baby. I know you didn't mean it. I know you love it when I fuck you real good."

"Yes! Yes! I do. I love you and only you. I love the way you fuck me.." Senior Anne moaned as she ground back at Ms Joyce's cock ramming in and out of her love box.

I couldn't take it anymore, I slipped my fingers into my pant and rubbed my pussy. My juice was already dripping down my laps. I spread my legs and pushed a finger into my pussy and finger fucked myself, pushing my thumb against my clit. Juices poured out of me as I neared climax.

"Now cum for me my little slut. Cum for your mistress. You have my permission. Let me have that juice flowing." Ms Joyce ordered.

"Yes mistress, I'm close. I'm close. Please don't stop. Oh fuck me deep." Senior Anne begged.

"I could stop now you know."

"Oh please don't."

"Swear never to fuck any of those bitches again."

"I swear I won't. Ohhhh fuck that feels good. It's only you I love. Ohhh fuck yes! I'm cumming my love."

"Good! Cum for me Bitch. Oh yea baby, take my cock. Take it. Fuck that cock my little slut.  Show me how much you like me fucking that little pussy of yours. Come for me you little lesbian slut,"

"Yes! I'm cumming. I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Ohhh fuck fuck fuck!!!" Senior Anne screamed as she ground her pussy into Ms Joyce's hips. As her orgasm tore through her. Her whole body felt on fire as a burning but exciting feeling rose from her pelvis. Her legs collapsed to the bed, her toes stretching out as waves after wave shook her young body. The orgasm was intense while Ms Joyce eased up on the thrust in her Pussy. Senior Anne was spent as Ms Joyce pulled out the vibrating cock from her pussy. Ms Joyce collapsed beside Senior Anne and they both panted and tried to catch their breath. After they had rested for a few minutes, Ms Joyce got up and took off the strap-on and headed for the bathroom.

"Meet me in the bathroom Baby. And bring the cock with you, I may need it." Ms Joyce ordered as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

And It's  Over.........

As soon as I heard the shower running, I figured it was time to get out. I thought of waiting for Anne to join Ms Joyce in the bathroom but I didn't want to miss the look on her face when she saw me and realized I had been watching them all along. I pushed the closet door open, Senior Anne pushed herself up to see where the sound was coming from. She saw me as I stepped out of the closet. The look on her face? Priceless.

"Goodness gracious!!!!!" She exclaimed in shock. Then remembering Ms Joyce was in the bathroom, she lowered her voice, "Lisa! What are you doing here? How did you get here?"

"Baby, is everything okay? Who are you talking to." Ms Joyce called out from the bathroom.

"Yes d-d-dear," she stammered. "I just hit my toe on the bed."

"Careful darling. So sorry." Ms Joyce replied.

I quickly ran out of the room, while I was struggling with the main door, Senior Anne ran out of the bedroom. She had managed to throw on her day wear. luckily, I opened the door and stepped outside before she caught up to me.

"Lisa, wait, I can explain. Please!"

"Wait for what? Senior Anne! I am so shocked. So your Aunty is your lover?"

"We are not blood related Lisa. She's my mother's step sister and best friend."

"Does that make it okay? That's still worst." I spat.

"Lisa, you won't understand. Please let me explain. I love you." she pleaded.

"Hahahaha You love who? Lisa? What a joke." I mocked.

"Lisa please." she tried to grab my hand.

"Please let me go. Don't touch me with those hands. They must have mixed pussy juices on them." I shot back.

"Please Lisa, hear me out." she pleaded.

"Hey! Did you hear that?" I asked sarcastically holding my ear.

"What?" she asked, looking around,

"Its the fat lady, and she's singing."

"Whatever do you mean Lisa?"

"What I'm trying to say is that when the fat lady sings, it means IT'S OVER!!" I screamed and walked away.

"Lisa, please no one can know."

I stopped and walked back to her. "You must think you are surrounded by fools, yeah? For someone to set you up by lying to me that you asked to see me and telling me where to get the spare keys so I can come wait for you? Then believe me, they are on to you 'little slut.' But don't worry. I won't say anything about today. Come to think of it, what my eyes have seen today, my mouth would never want to repeat."

With that, I walked away. I don't know why, but tears dropped from my eyes. I felt like a used fool. I walked shamefully back to the dormitory. I passed everyone without greeting anyone. I went straight to my bed and laid on it. Few minutes later, I saw Kimberly and Lara coming into the dormitory.

"Lisa, you've been gone for three hours. Where were you?" Lara inquired.

"We've been searching for you Lisa. Where the heck have you been?" Kimberly shot at me all irritated.

"Please guys, can you both just let me sleep it out tonight? I promise I will talk to you in the morning." I begged.

"Lisa, are you okay? You didn't come for dinner. Have you had something to eat?" Lara asked, obviously very worried.

"No Lara. I'm not okay. But please just let me sleep. I promise we will talk tomorrow."

Lara hugged me tightly and I went back to covering my head in bed. I cried a little for no reason at all. It's not like I really valued my relationship with Senior Anne. But I felt hurt and used. Very late that night, after everyone had slept and the lights went off, I got off my bed and went to Senior Adidi's bed. Surprisingly, she wasn't asleep too. As if she was waiting for me, she shifted to the the side and I snuggled in.

"My Love, I've been hungry for you." she said as she pulled me into her embrace.

"Please just hold me." I cried. "I've never needed anyone like I need you now. Just hold me please. Tell me everything will be alright please. I've been such an idiot. Just hold me and don't let me go tonight." I cried and Senior Adidi held me close in her bosom. She understood I wasn't looking for sex or anything like that. Obviously, she wasn't expecting me that night because there was no tent. I didn't care about the facct that there was no tent. I just wanted to be in her arms. I didn't care if I would be discovered, I didn't care about the ultimatum given to me at the wolves meeting. Nothing else mattered. I was prepared for whatever will happen next. I made up my mind not to sneak out of Senior Adidi's bed early in the morning. Everything could go to hell. Senior Adidi didn't bother asking me what the problem was, She consoled me and held me close till I fell asleep in her arms. My fate would be decided in the morning. Was I prepared?

               To Be Continued.................. ©‎


....Spontaneous, the thoughts that comes to mind when there's a suddenness of action, no premeditation, no external stimulus. There's no better description to portray me. Self motivated, glittering thoughts sprouting from a raunchy mind saturated in deep imaginations. A mind capable of conjuring vivid images of intense passion. Commencing from nerve endings, traveling along erotic neurons, transmitting pockets of sensual, lustful but exciting information to receptive hearts....feeding the needy minds desirous of luscious and amorous meals. That's me....seductive, sensual, sexual, spicy, steamy, stimulating, suggestive, and titillating are words that readily define my entirety. Mood sets in, Imagination runs wild, exploring the inner forbidden recesses expressed and recreated here as I invite you into this world of Erotica. It can only get hotter as you come along....

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